Our Vision
Become a performing MULTINATIONAL firm in Engineering and Construction
Construction Management
Gathering a team of experts in Construction Management, AMA GROUP makes it a priority to satisfy the needs of its clients.
Engineering and Project Management
A team has been committed to adopting an innovative approach that enables it to meet the expectations of its clients.
Facility Management
We interface BIM with GMAO tools, and we manage the operation and maintenance of your projects.
Beyond BIM Modeling, we lead the missions of AMO BIM, BIM Management and synthesis technical.
Building a Builder Begins with the way he thinks!
Contact Us
Adress : N°1 Rue Mohamed Moaala
Mutuelleville 1082 Tunis – TUNISIA
Phone+216 39 159 556 / +216 71 782 588/ 71 782 589
Fax : +216 71 782 662
Email : contact@amagroup.tn